Pearson Center for Alcoholism & Addiction Research

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Does Insurance Cover Alcohol Treatment & Rehab?

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When you are struggling to free yourself from the constraints of alcohol addiction, the last thing you want to worry about is paying for treatment. It takes so much willpower and commitment for an addict to even admit they have a problem that any bump in the road to recovery can be enough to derail the whole operation. Many invest in health insurance to help pay for medical emergencies and treatments. So if you do not have the means to pay for treatment but have health insurance, will health insurance cover alcohol treatment and rehab?

Using Health Insurance for Alcohol Rehab

Rehab is an excellent option for people deep in the throes of alcoholism. This is an immersive treatment for addicts that isolate them from potential triggers in hopes of finding a long-lasting solution to alcohol addiction. In most cases, insurance will cover at least a portion of the costs of rehab. However, how much insurance will cover varies based on the insurance carrier and the rehab facility. It is important to talk to the facility and your carrier to determine the best fit for your insurance coverage.

What Alcohol Treatments Does Health Insurance Cover?

The important thing to keep in mind is every insurance plan differs in what they will and will not cover. However, insurance plans are expected to cover what is determined to be medically necessary. With that in mind, here are some alcoholism treatments that an insurance provider should be expected to cover.

Alcohol Intervention Services

One of the hardest parts of treating alcoholism is confronting the person about their addiction. That is why many insurance providers will help with the process, funding intervention services, and alcohol screening services. It is important to have a professional present during an intervention to make sure things do not get contentious.

Alcohol Detox

Detox, or alcohol withdrawal, is highly individual and acute physical withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to potentially life-threatening. Therefore, it is recommended that an individual with an alcohol use disorder goes through a medically supervised detoxification to ensure their safety during this process. Insurance should cover the detox process and treatment you need for withdrawal.

Inpatient Rehab Services

If you need to get checked into a hospital or specialty care center for emergency services, insurance should assist you with the payment. This is an obvious medical emergency, and most health insurance policies will act accordingly.

Individual and Group Alcohol Counseling

Alcohol counseling is an essential part of the rehabilitation process from an alcohol addiction, and that is why most insurance carriers will cover portions of the cost. Whether the counseling is done one-on-one or in a small group, talk to an insurance provider about what your policy will cover.

Clinical Research Trials Offers Free Treatment With No Insurance Required

Don’t have insurance or don’t want to be hassled with all of the red tape? Sign up for an alcohol treatment clinical research study. These studies use cutting-edge treatment methods, including medications and counseling services. The Pearson Center for Alcoholism and Addiction Research in La Jolla offers alcohol treatment studies. If you are interested in joining a research study, give us a call at 858-784-7867.