Alcoholic Detox rehab San Diego

What is the purpose of the alcohol treatment study?

It is estimated that 90% of people with alcohol dependence will go back to drinking one or more times following treatment, and few medications are available to support abstinence after withdrawal. Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) are testing a novel study medication to see if it is more effective than a placebo (a pill that looks like the study medication but does not contain the active ingredient) in preventing a return to drinking in people with alcohol problems. 

Treatment for alcohol addiction for free.

What will happen to me during the study?

You will be interviewed about your alcohol use and also asked about any medical or mental health problems. A physician will examine you, and an EKG, blood and urine tests will be done as well to check your health. If you join the study, you will be given individual counseling and study medication. 

No insurance required for free alcohol rehab.

How long is the study?

If you meet the entrance requirements and agree to take part in this study, your participation will involve weekly visits or phone calls for up to 12 weeks.

Research Study free alcoholic rehab.

What about confidentiality during the study?

The study doctor and the research staff will take all measures possible to protect your confidentiality. Your name will not appear in any records or results without your written permission. 

Alcohol rehabilitation for free in San Diego.

Will I be paid for the study?

Yes, you will receive some compensation for your participation in this study.  This money is meant to help pay for your time and travel expenses.  If you leave the study early, you will only be paid for the study visits that you have completed. 

Free alcoholism treatment center no insurance required.

How can I get more information about the study?

If you have any other questions or if you would like to find out if you are eligible please call 858-784-7867 or fill out the Contact Us form for more information.